It's How Old ?!?!
Your boiler is possibly older than you think ... To find your manufacturing date (not necessarily when it was installed) you need a couple of pieces of information. The first is boiler's (unique) serial number. (Very rarely this is only inside but is often on a label on the case somewhere). The other is the boiler's make, and dependent on that is the method of finding that magic date...
Once you have that serial number look at the example serial number below and find in the format example yy (year) and likely ww(week number - eg 07 is seventh week - ie in Feb) or mm month, dd day
Baxi ABCyyww89123XY
Ideal Logic AB 12243134431432 5424 yy/mm/dd - ie the actual date in American format
Glowworm or Vaillant: 20yyww4321414343243432....
Viessmann a 16 digit number , best decoded by calling Viessmann on 01952 675000
Potterton changed formats many times - try to reach them on 0345 070 1055
Worcester uses digits 5, 6 and 7. Then locate that 3-digit code on the Fabrication Date (FD) table . It is needlessly complicated !
07740 640 686