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Oil Boilers - something different ...

Properties that are not connected to the 'gas grid' (think idyllic country cottages, farmhouses or remote buildings) need to get heat and hot water by other means than mains gas.  This is when oil can come into its own. While LPG and Heat pumps, fuel pellet burners etc are an option of course, a lot of existing 'out of the way' properties are on oil.


15% of properties (some 4.5 million) were off-grid in 2021. More details here . Below is a tiny bit of info about oil-fired central heating and hot water (called domestic hot water - DHW - in the trade ).


So the big question - do Sevenoaks Gas do oil ? Yes, yes and yes !!

Sevenoaks Gas are trained by, and are members of OFTEC - effectively the official oil-fired heating governing body.

We install, mend and service oil boilers, mend oil leaks in pipes and boilers (though not oil tanks). Also we carry out landlord oil system condition checks (OFTEC's CD/12 form).

Although the actual boiler's heat generation technology is somewhat different, there are probably more features in common with gas and oil-fired heating systems than differences - so a failed heating system is just as likely to be about pumps, motorised valves, controls - ie the cheaper bits of the system. 

If you need help drop us a line and we can talk about your issues on the phone.


OFTEC 2019

It's How Old ?!?!

To find your boiler's age you need a couple of pieces of information. The first is boiler's (ie unique) serial number. (Sometimes this is only inside but is often on a label on the case somewhere).


Once you have that serial number, other than Worcester (!) look at the example serial number below and find in the format example yy (year) and likely  ww(week number - eg 07 is seventh week - ie in Feb)  or mm month, dd day

Baxi                ABCyyww89123XY

Vaillant:         20yyww4321414343243432....

Ideal Logic    AB 12243134431432  5424  yy/mm/dd   - ie the actual date in American format 

Viessmann, Potterton etc.

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